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mist system, mist tubing, misting system, stainlesss steel tubing, Uncategorized -

All of our high pressure compression misting fittings can be used with our type 316 stainless steel mist tubing. This tubing can be covered with stucco, act as a permanent feed line or left exposed for a designer look. We have both 1/4″ and 3/8″ stainless steel tubing for use an any high pressure misting […]

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cooling fans, mist cans, mist fan, misting fan, misting fans, portable fan, portable mist, portable misting systems, Uncategorized -

Our new portable outdoor cooling system is the most compact and easy to use high pressure misting system available. Simply connect a garden hose, plug it in and you have a complete high pressure mist cooling system with a 3-speed, high velocity mist fan. This unit can be used for heat remediation, to cool parties […]

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high pressure nozzle, mist nozzle, mist nozzles, misting nozzles, ruby nozzle, Uncategorized -

Check out our new stainless steel mist cooling nozzles w/ real ruby orifices. Ruby doesn’t wear down from the friction of the high pressure water so these nozzles may be the last nozzles you ever buy. The nozzles come with a built in anti-drip vavle and a removable turbine. All of the ruby nozzles can […]

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1000 psi, aerophonic, aerophonic farming, aerophonic system, aerophonics, diy aerophonic, garden, high pressure, high pressure aerohonic pump, kit, maximum farming, maximum growing, maximum nutrition, misters, pump, ranch, system, Uncategorized, vegatble farming -

DIY Aeroponic 1000 PSI Kit We have designed the first truly high pressure commercial duty aeroponics pump. This system actually contains two pumps, a high pressure triplex plunger pump with a continuous duty motor and a low pressure filtration pump. This system is capable of drawing nutrient solution from a reservoir and pressurizing it to […]

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cooling, diy fog kit, diy kits, dust, dust control, easy fog kit, fans, heat death, heat stress, heat stroke, high pressure fogging systems, mist line, misting, misting fan, summer sale, Uncategorized, water mist fan -

DIY high pressure misting kit for LESS. When choosing a mist system, one has to decide whether to use mist fans, mist line or a combination of the two. Our high pressure mist cooling fans evaporate 100% of the mist and circulates the air to provide maximum cooling. It is not uncommon to see temperature […]

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